Friday, January 4, 2008

Love the Love!

Love the Love!

“Love, beautiful Love! Lovers, Lovely Lovers!”

Before you proceed:
‘U can be in love with anyone:
A man, A Woman,
A Friend, A family member,
Your husband, Your wife,
Your boyfriend, Your girlfriend,
A kid, An old person,
A thought, An image,
Your God … or … Yourself
(& List goes on…)

[*Object of love* in the following can be replaced with anything quoted (or not quoted) above]
[*Lovers* in the following article can be taken for anyone who has experienced love]

Remember, someone said “Everyone, at least ONCE should experience LOVE!”?
Remember, the first time you felt the butterflies in stomach?
Remember the first intense heart beat & the missed beat?
Remember, the ‘trance’ which u feel at times?
Remember your First Kiss?
I bet you would, if you were touched by the ‘out-of-body’ experience… “A Platonic Love”!

I, especially LOVE the concept of LOVE.
For, there’s no other human emotion better than this!
And I, especially, adore the LOVERS.
For, they practically are unable to ‘hate’ anything/anyone.
Why? It’s simple…
When I’m in love; 90% of my free time is occupied with just one thing:
This 90% may either consist of thoughts about my ‘object of love’
Or thoughts about my intense love for that object.
Rest 10% can be considered as thoughts other than love.
But certainly not Hatred!
For e.g. this 10% can be my thoughts over my last fight with him/her.
Or about anything that has unsettled the harmony of love.
But if u watch closely, it all boils down to –
Making my experience better. .. the experience of ‘love’.
Moreover, those in love wouldn’t like to harm anyone.
They’d generally always seek harmony.

Love elates you, it takes you to a trance by choice;
Love purifies you, it clears you of worldly negativities;
Love rejuvenates you, for you start loving yourself too;
Love is all it takes, to bring you back to life….!!!

Try it once … Love the LOVE !!!!

~ Rups ~
4th January 2008; 203, Bangalore