Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Lady!

Last to notice your tears, first to gift you one. 
Love was your notion, he was in just for fun. 

Sure he dated you, but 'You' coerced him to wed. 
Then came kids, wasn't he happy single instead? 

First abortion was a shocker for you; to him it came easy.
2nd time you were adamant. Of course a sad pregnancy! 

He's Glued to screens, especially when you pour your heart out. 
"You're such a time-hogger drama queen, bitch, cut it out!."

He Eats, drinks, laughs, pants & shits with his partner: his phone. 
He's on tinder, xxx & more ; and you? You're just heartache-prone. 

He's Romantic when horny & abusive when refused. 
You came with certain benefits; so, why feel used?

Why a career break? Why study? Why startup? 
"You're my retirement plan, lady, please don't fuck-up!"

Get kicked, get slapped,
get abused, feel trapped. 

Or break free, get bold, 
dream big, get a hold. 

Survive, Believe, Rebel, Struggle, Fight! 
Win, Win again, keep Winning! 
Screw him, screw the world, carry on! 
Shine, shine again, keep shining! 

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