“Long Distance Love” … A Survival Quiz!
For each of the quiz question, pick one (& only one) answer from:
- (a) Of course!!!
- (b) Yes
- (c) Not Sure
- (d) …Umm…
Quiz Questions:
1. Intention: Do you have a burning desire or at least an honest intention of teaming up again with your partner… sooner than later?
2. Communication: Do you spare some dedicated time for quality communication with your partner on daily basis?
3. Sensitivity: Do you really understand & acknowledge when your partner expresses how much he/she miss you?
4. Expression: Do you, once in a while, explicitly express (to your partner) how you feel about being by yourself and about your intentions?
5. Openness: Do you genuinely discuss with your partner about your pleasure, achievements, sorrows, desires, secret crush, recent date etc
6. Respect: Do you respect your partner’s time & space? Do you respect your partner’s feelings & openness towards you?
7. Humor: Do you still have that special connect – so much that you can still make your partner roll in laughter, once in a while?
8. Futurism: Do you really see a future with each other? If yes, do you discuss the planning & strategy in going about it with your partner?
9. Creativity: Do you get creative in the way you communicate with your partner? (Chat/E-mails/Snail-Mails/Greeting-cards/personalized-gifts/creative-SMS/…etc)
10. Long Distance Love: Do you have faith you really have what it takes to survive your romance? … Your long distance love?
Answers & Analysis:
Mostly (a): You Rock! You should share your tricks with others in your situation
Mostly (b): You can make it through the rain! Yes, you can survive this LDL
Mostly (C): You really want to give a try? No, Really????
Mostly (d): You need to stop reading this & go find a “local” date for yourself!