Friday, May 2, 2008


Dear “YOU”...

You are more than a man... you’re my angel;
You are more than a soul … you’re my existence.

You are more than a ray… you’re my sunshine;
You are more than a breeze… you’re my breath!

You are more than a music... you’re my heartbeat;
You are more than a hue ... you’re my rainbow.

You are more than a quote ... you’re my motivation;
You are more than a poem... you’re my inspiration.

You are more than silence... you’re my peace of mind;
You are more than solace… you’re my oasis of life.

You are more than a dream... you’re my memory;
You are more than a fairytale... you’re my Diary.

You, to me, are … more than you can imagine…!!!

~~ Ruu ~~ 14th April, 2008
~~As I say Good bye to “You”~~